A First-time Author Making Good

P&L enjoys helping people see their literary dreams become reality. But it’s even more fun when the clients become excited and begin telling people all around them about their new book. When a man in northwest Arkansas asked about a book-signing event, we helped him with the arrangements. He then got on the phone, sent texts and emails to hundreds of people, and talked to people everywhere he went in town. Not only has he generated excitement all around, he has placed his third order of books within a few months – and the book-signing event hasn’t even taken place yet.

Three activities are needed to succeed in the literary field. 1) Writing a good book and employing a good editor. 2) Planning a book-signing or other public event. 3) And hiring or becoming a great PR agent. These three concepts, along with choosing an excellent formatter/publisher, can fill the wallet and put a smile on people’s faces.

If you who are reading this blog have a book or a story in mind, contact us. We’ll be happy to help you make your literary dreams come true.

Visit us at: https://plpubandlit.org/