Fulfilling Your Dream of Writing – Step 1

Some folks can write anywhere, anytime, and in any situation. I applaud them, and somewhat envy them, but that doesn’t work for everyone. Most of us need a place where we can shut out the noise of the world and think. And since humans are creatures of habit – subconscious as well as conscious – we should develop that place.

Choose a Comfortable Place to Write. It will be a place where you can go and quickly enter your world of writing. Turn off attention-demanding electronics, including the phone. Give yourself 10 to 15 minutes to enter the correct frame of mind. Keep distractions to a minimum.

The world-renown Paul Harvey was a radio broadcaster for ABC News for many years. He had a world-wide audience that included US presidents and other leaders. His morning reports were titled News and Comment, and his afternoon program was called, The Rest of the Story. 

His morning routine hardly ever changed: brush teeth, clean up, get dressed as though going to meet important people – including wearing his ever-present bow tie – eat breakfast, and go into his study which was in his house. His wife, Lynne, didn’t let anyone bother Paul during his writing time. Since his writing routine didn’t change, he was able to quickly immerse himself into the topic at hand, and became efficient in his work.

So, create your writing space. I’ll see you tomorrow.

Write Creatively

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