3 Steps to a Good Page-Turner

Yes, I know. Most of you have heard something like that many times, and I understand there are many more than 3 steps, but don’t go away. This could help burgeoning authors, and I won’t bore you veterans with unnecessary verbiage.

There is no shortcut to writing a great book. Although it takes time, it takes a lot of thinking, and it’s not easy, it is simple. In fact, this may sound too simple, and you might toss it aside. That’s okay with me, but read it first.

What do you need for the great book you want to write?

1. Enthusiasm, Passion

Simply put, you need an idea that means a lot to you. Tell a story that would keep your interest. Why? Writers tend to be more passionate about their own ideas; therefore, they can more energetically write the story. Infuse your writing with energy.

2. Exciting Characters

No one knows more about your characters than you do. Why? They are born out of your imagination. You assign to them looks, size, attitudes, strengths, flaws, skills, blemishes, character, and all the rest, so make them interesting. Make sure they fulfill their purpose for being in the book, and they dynamically drive the story in the direction you want it to go. Even if you have a dog, cat, or a chicken in the book, give it a purpose for being there.

3. Resolvable Tension

There is a need for nice, sweet stories like Pollyanna. But even in Pollyanna, there was tension. To keep readers turning those pages, there must be conflict. Let that controlled conflict empower the story throughout the book and grip the readers’ imagination.

As I mentioned, writing is not easy, but it is simple. Improve your skill, enjoy your writing, and

Write Creatively

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