We are Products of our Decisions

A week ago, a young man, John, affirmed that we (all humans) are products of our environment, and wanted to know my thoughts about it. Before I commented, I wanted to make sure that I understood what he said, and what he meant. I wanted to understand his position before I attempted to help him understand mine. (That’s an application of Stephen Covey’s Principle #5 in his book, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. I encourage you to read the book.)

After John reiterated his statement and affirmed is belief in it, our discussion proceeded. About 20 minutes later, our conversation ended on friendly terms, and John had changed his mind. He now understands that we are not products of our environments, but products of our decisions. The result of every decision we make is another “building block” in the foundation of our lives. So, make your decisions wisely, and please apply that bit of wisdom to all areas of your life.

But since our topics in these blogs are about writing and publishing, apply it here, too. Decide to be proactive in your writing endeavors. If you want to become an author, or if you are an author and want to get that next book published, you will need to overcome the ever-present hinderances and establish your plan to get it done.

Be gentle and considerate with family and friends as you help them understand your needs in completing your project. And as you proceed …

Write Creatively.

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